american museum of natural history
if you are new to my site, at times you will discover I like to travel to areas surrounding long island, particularly new york city. one of the great things about long island is our close proximity to wonderful manhattan. in the above photo you see an artists take on the horse. this one is standing outside the american museum of natural history. I also like to visit and see what is happening at other daily photo blogs. lucky for me I stumbled upon kitty's new york portraits. I had to post this photograph after I saw her blog post from saturday. go check her out here. I think you will enjoy her blog too. I'm putting a link to her site in my side bar as well so when you come back to visit me, you will have easy access to some interesting new york photos when you are in the mood.
Thank you everyone for your nice comments. You made my day.
I have photos of another horse on the property. Only now did my very slow brain make the link that it's all in conjunction with the Horse Show that's going on now in the museum.
Nice shot!