graffiti in the burbs

please click on this photo to see more detail.

it's not as if it is nonexistent, but it is rare in high traffic areas. I actually found this expression of creativity on the side of a commercial building located next to a bank and a large group of storefronts. the sun was shining on the worn brick creating a shimmery contrast between the blue and the complimentary colors the artist chose for his work. I only photographed the part I admired. it's beyond me how the artist was able to pull off decorating nearly the entire side of this building without getting caught. then again, maybe he did! whatever the case may be, this work was truly odd for me to stumble upon in these parts. if you'd like to see more odd shots, or you'd like to join in, please go here and visit katney, the host of odd shots monday.


bobbie said…
Graffiti is literally everywhere today. Some is really beautiful, and is done by very talented people who need a better venue. I saw a great deal of it in Eastern Europe several years ago. My daughter has traveled extensively and she used to take pictures of it.
Anonymous said…
It looks good but meaningless - perhaps the '?' marks are a comment.
Janie said…
I can't decipher any meaning, but perhaps the artist could explain if he/she was available to ask. Interesting and creative design, I think.
PERBS said…
I often see this type of graffiti on railroad cars. This one looks very odd because it looks like someone came along and tried to p put a second graffiti inblue on top of the bottom one that was done in red. I can't read it even when enlarging it. I thought it said JAMES on the bottom but not sure. Definitely odd. Drop by to see mine.
Cool! Thanks for your comment on mine.
• Eliane • said…
At least they date them in your area! ;)
raf said…
Good choice for Odd Shots, Lily. Today, grafitti isn't so odd, but to me the style of art remains an oddity. Nice image! said…
hi Bobbie, I bet your daughter has some interesting photos! have you ever posted any?

I wish I knew what it meant Aileni, no doubt it means something to the artist.

Hi Janie!

Hey Perbs, thanks for stopping by!

Hi Becky.

Thanks for pointing that out Eliane! Good eye!

Thanks for stopping by Raf.
Ingrid said…
I think the world is full of graffiti, in whatever country I travel !
Katney said…
Unfortunately it is not that odd here. And even out here in the country--our neighbor has had his barn graffitied and I think it is time for him to paint it over. If he were in the city, he would be required to, and there are programs to help get it done.
Rune Eide said…
I may be the odd one out, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it actually means!

PS Thank you for the comments! Things are literally looking up and I no longer has that kind of view :-)
Dragonstar said…
It's certainly bright and cheerful - and the main part is well-drawn.
Lilli & Nevada said…
Oh i hate to see graffiti Its too bad that they can't put there talent into something much better than defacing property.
I am sure that there talent of art could be much more useful.

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