baby whale on long beach
I apologize for this sad picture. I debated as to whether or not I should post it, but my son convinced me otherwise, his argument being that this was a part of long island that was really important. I for one never knew baby whales ever beached themselves anywhere on this island. police were there and wouldn't let us get close. this photograph was taken late yesterday morning. I found an organization called coastal research and education society of long island, inc. and reported the sighting. you can go here to check out their site.
this just in, a response from the president of coastal research & education society of long island, arthur h. kopelman,
Thanks for the sighting report. In the future, if you encounter what appears to be an injured whale, dolphin, sea turtle, or seal, please also report it to the NYS Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Program of the Riverhead Foundation (http://riverheadfoundation.
The animal you photographed wasn't a baby whale; it appears to be some kid of dolphin (a member of the group known as the odontocetes (toothed whales)). I am awaiting some further information from my colleagues about the animal.
Nature can be so very cruel.
I think it would be a good idea for beaches to post that information somewhere on premises about who to contact if you find cold-stunned turtles, whales, dolphins, etc.
I think Luvmyboys is correct in that it would be good to post emergency telephone #'s at the beaches. That is why I posted the follow up with the # here. I now have it on my cell phone.
Jen, I saw those photos of the humpback whale. It was huge! & amazing.
I'm glad you called someone regarding the poor dolphin and it's good to know the proper authorities to call in the future. Thanks for the info.