Q is for quiet

borgo argenina is a beautiful bed and breakfast I stayed at with my family last summer in italy. it was the epitome of peace and quiet. the only sounds you heard were from nature. this view is from the table we sat at in the breakfast room. and yes this picture is nice, but trust me when I say I wish I captured the real beauty of this place.
today is abc wednesday and the letter is Q. please visit the abc wednesday meme page to find more Q's & join in the fun.


Sylvia K said…
What a perfect place, Lily! And how perfect for the day! Definitely a favorite with me, I love places like that! Gorgeous photo! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!

Thérèse said…
Yes quietness it shows but I am sure this picture knows how to speak to you...
Difficult for us upstaters to imagine the quiet of Long Island; we tend to think of it all as the Expressway.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Jama said…
So peaceful and serene, perfect place to just chill!
Carol said…
Nice shot of a beautiful place...a peaceful photo
Tash said…
What a gorgeous place & photo. So glad you posted it. I love the service set too, and the stone patio...dream vacation spot.
Jayne said…
I haven't visited Italy yet but before I even read your text I somehow thought of Italy when I saw this lovely photo. It looks like a gorgeous place.
Pat said…
Oh, peace and calm! How lovely and inviting. Early in the a.m. I can enjoy some degree of peace and calm on my porch; birds twittering, an occasional dog barking....nice.
Mara said…
Glass of cooled white wine, a good book. Mmmm, I can see myself there now!
Ingrid said…
What a beautiful quiet place, and a nice word for the theme too !
Beautiful and peaceful shot !!Lovely post !!Great Work !!Unseen Rajasthan
Alexa said…
I feel transported! (Just wish it could be actually, not virtually.) Bet this place was hard to leave.
Marlene said…
Beautiful place and you captured it very well. I would love to have my morning coffee on that patio.
Louis la Vache said…
Very nice use of "Q", Lily!
x_pEpPeRoNi_x said…
And I was just about to ask where might this place be!

I'd love a weekend like this. How pleasant it would be to get away from the city!
Daryl said…
Lovely .. so relaxing I am sure if I were there I would be drinking endless cups of coffee sitting there and just going AHHHHHHH
Kitty said…
how wonderful? I can just imagine how quiet, relaxing and healthy this place is.
mARTy said…
this picture makes me dream- it´s really nice!
LisaF said…
My neck and shoulders immediately relaxed when I looked at this scene. Lovely shot of a gorgeous place. Now, back to being stessed...
jay said…
Oh, what a gorgeous spot! Lucky you!
ChrisJ said…
That looks so inviting. I'm always looking for interesting but QUIET place to sit and read or just contemplate. Your post fits the bill!
Tumblewords: said…
A wonderful place to muse and sip espresso!

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