a cute medieval enclave
please click on photo to get a better view of the streets of trastevere
by the third day in rome our legs and feet hurt so badly from walking and standing, we knew we needed another strategy for touring. luckily we found a man renting bicycles in a side alley. how can I possibly describe what it was like riding a bicycle through rome? you would think with the hordes of pedestrians and automobiles sharing the streets there would be no room left to navigate a bike. but there is something about the energy in Italy that I don't think I have experienced anywhere else. much like some magical zone one enters, perhaps like birds do when they fly in formation, there just seems to be this sort of flow where everyone and everything falls into place effortlessly. it was so much fun! we covered ground we never could have covered on foot and it was so much better than the bus because we could stop and go as we pleased. the best part was riding across the tiber river to see trastevere.
Nature is So Beautiful