wild poppies

I have been photographing our ever expanding poppy patch in our backyard for the past few years and this is the first time I have noticed this stage in the poppy's cycle. am I weird, or is this amazing?
and, would you believe I actually posted poppies for the letter P exactly one year ago plus one day  for this very meme? you can see them here if you'd like.
this post is a part of abc wednesday and today's letter is P. please visit the abc wednesday meme page to join in the fun.


Anonymous said…
ur grams had poppies by her front door. They were so pretty. Have some wild yellow ones in my yard, also pretty.
Lily this is an amazing photo! The poppy looks so unusual at this stage.
Sylvia K said…
It is an amazing photo indeed, Lily! I've never seen one quite like this and it's gorgeous! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!

I love the details we can see. Great photo!
Tash said…
That is so great! Eyes wide open with camera in hand.
& you got a marvellous 'P'urple color there too. Such an interesting photograph - taking it far beyond the ordinary.
Louis la Vache said…
No, you aren't weird and, yes, this is amazing!
This center piece looks like it's made of sugared candy. Amazing.
photowannabe said…
Terrific detail and it seems so unusual to have the petals drop this way. Thanks for sharing.
anthonynorth said…
That's an excellent photo.
Pat said…
Huh! I've never seen a poppy in this stage either, but it is equally beautiful, perhaps even more so.
That's an excellent photo of a beautiful flower. Great capture.
Lori Skoog said…
Poppies and a cherry tree...you must have a beautiful garden.
mrsnesbitt said…
What an exquisite capture of the poppy, pure wonder.

Thanks so much for contributing,

Denise (ABC Team)
bobbie said…
Amazing is definitely the word. Poppies have always been a favorite of mine. Such a happy flower!
Marlene said…
Wow, that is amazing and beautiful!
Kim, USA said…
Poppies are beautiful they have very bold color and design in each petals. Love this one too. Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday~P
Thérèse said…
Not weird, Amazing!
Virginia said…
That is amazing. Nice macro!!!
Halcyon said…
I love it! Such pretty colors and details. It's fun to see flowers as they grow.
Tumblewords: said…
I've never seen this stage before - I love poppies. Great photo.
Never seen that before either.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Daryl said…
Another winner .. I am not saying you havent always taken good shots but Lily in the last weeks they've moved from good to great
Unknown said…
Stunning! very stunning shot.
KaHolly said…
Oh, Lily! How pretty. I love poppies. They remind me of my mom, who passed away at the young age of 50. She had poppies all the way around her house and they were her favorites! ~karen
ksdoolittle said…
Great shot!! P is also for perfect! ~ks
Ingrid said…
Beautiful picture, I would never have thought of poppies !
Jay said…
What a wonderful picture of a poppy! So creative and original - and aesthetically pleasing, too!
LisaF said…
What an unusual poppy! The detail in the petals is stunning. I've never seen a poppy like this one.
I love this one, great shot :)

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