climate change and the movie, 'home'...

from february 4th through the 10th, the village east cinema in manhattan is hosting free admission to see this important film entitled 'home' by yann arthus-bertrand. mr. bertrand will also be at the cinema to meet anyone who would like to discuss his film. watch the short trailer here. the movie is also free on youtube as well.
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It looks like a very interesting movie, Lily!
Kay L. Davies said…
Wow. 50 years and look what has happened.
I remember in the 80s there was a movie "If You Love This Planet" - is every generation going to have a scary movie showing what we're doing, so that everyone can watch it and expect someone else to do something about it?
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Pat said…
Don't have time just now to watch, but I admire this photographer's work. He had a show in Belgrade last year, I think.
Ingrid said…
Very interesting and also beautiful trailer of the movie ! I know, I have lived these past 50 years !
ABC Team
Lulu Post said…
Climate Change... a very interesting topic...

Visiting you from ABC Wednesday. I followed your blog too. I hope you can do the same and please visit my entry too.
C is for Crab Legs
Candace said…
Very interesting movie! I would love to be able to see the entire thing. Thank you for sharing the trailer! Candace
Yes, and the snow we're having suggesting climate change.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Birdman said…
Thanks for the heads-up.
Leslie: said…
Wish I lived there so could attend, but will check it out online. Thanks for the heads-up!

Wanda said…
Hi Lilly, thanks for stopping by Brushstrokes and leaving a comment and for becoming a follower.

Beautiful trailer of our world, the good the bad and the ugly.

Alexa said…
I'm a big fan of YAB, so thanks for sharing!

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