skywatch over marcus avenue

please click on photos for greater detail

we have had dull grey skies all afternoon. it wasn't until I was headed into this office building when I spotted something interesting enough for today's skywatch post. there are two skies here, one in the window's reflection and the other just above the building. this office complex in new hyde park is huge and takes up quite a bit of space. the cool thing is, is that there is
a lot of room for the big open skies that surround it. as I was leaving the parking area I saw this next scene.
if you would like to see more beautiful skies from all around the world, please go here.
enjoy your weekend everyone!


magiceye said…
both pics are beautiful but love the 2nd one!!
Pietro Brosio said…
Very varied cloudy sky and beautiful reflection. I also like the way you framed the first image.
Happy Sky Watch!
bobbie said…
Love the reflection. And wow! that second one is terrific.
LID: That one with the reflection is neat when you get a closer look.
luvmyboys said…
Great capture! I like the reflection in the first one. Sometimes what we see with our eyes doesn't get captured by the camera, but you did an awesome job with this one!
Anonymous said…
grey sky ,that 's what we have here has been raining all day long !
Laura ~Peach~ said…
fantastic photos... I love the second one best :)
Brad Myers said…
Good photos, that really is a winter sky, come on summer.
good city shot...some times it is difficult to get good sky shots in urban areas.

have a wonderful weekend.
Daryl said…
Ah the burbs .. nice open skies!

Shannon said…
Nice shots. Been seeing a lot of those dark gray skies around here lately.
Louise said…
Grey clouds are nice when they are like this and one can see the variation in color. I think they are interesting. Nice post.
Anonymous said…
Great photos with the reflections in the glass. Nice to know we can get great skywatching even when it's not warm and sunny.
chrome3d said…
Great grey skies. Second one is my fave.
Tuga7 said…
great sky, nicely done!

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