purple haze
that is what I think of every time I drive by this tanning salon in farmingdale. just the other day I heard a doctor talk about going to a tanning salon as a way of getting his vitamin D during the winter time. he said he tans at least once a week. supposedly many people are vitamin D deficient. personally I eat fish oil to get mine. do you ever take vitamins?
I was fortunate to get a comment from poopsie blue today informing me that my post fits in with her, my true colors blog. the color for today is purple! so if you happen to be interested in the color purple, please go here to see beautiful representations of one of my favorite colors!
Do you realise you have posted for my meme today??? True Colours Thursdays colour this week is Purple!
Best wishes,
Blue, who will soon be sporting purle bruises - LOL!
PS - I take multi vits & super strength perscription Calcuim
Paz ;-)
Tash, my friend uses a bronzer on her legs and it looks great.
Babzy, I prefer nature too.I like taking a walk in the sun when it is winter time. The sun isn't too strong this time of year and it is a great mood lifter.
Bobby, I know what you mean. I feel like I should question him further. Maybe I should send him this post!
P Blue, I'm going to go over and join in!
Hi Paz, I try to take them every day but sometimes I will skip an entire week.
You're so right about the sun lifting our moods, especially in winter.
I take a multivitamin everyday because I don't always eat right.
Love the purple in this pic, BTW!
I watch below clip whene I take Vitamines.
Anyone for Purple Prose?
Thanks for visiting my blog.
That tanning studio is perfect for this meme. Very purple hazey. :-)
thanks for the visit too.
Nice Purple Haze....
Thank you for the comments on my blog.
That must have been dreadful, waiting for your family to come home....It's a day or week I will never forget especially were I was at the time...
(and a Polish connection) LOL
purple is my favorite color!