snow, with madonna and child
![Madonna and Child in Snow]( )
please click on the photo to see greater detail
technically this sculpture of the madonna and child isn't black, though it looks like it is from a distance during the day. you can see its true colors at night when the spotlight that shines on it illuminates the green patina that has started to form over the last few years. dedicated to the memory of rose ferrante from her loving family, this sculpture has been standing in front of st. kilian's parish in farmingdale since 1998. sorry for the late post today. I wanted to get a shot of this while the snow was falling.
please go here for more interesting snapshots from true colors weekly photo meme. in case you haven't guessed it, today's color is black! happy thursday everyone.
I like the snow effect too..
Thanks for participating & sharing this image.
Mary, you were actually the inspiration behind this. I had been looking at your cemetery shots thinking I would like to show some type of sculpture in LI too, which reminded me that I had wanted to photograph this for some time which then made me remember it was black & would also fit this meme, so a big thank you!
Thank you for your comments on my blog. Dina is my mum and those paintings were done at the same time. Neither of us knew that is what my Auntie was doing for us.
Have you any photo's of your Yorkie on here?
Thanks for visiting my blog.
P.S. Looked at some of your previous posts--great pics!!