reflections in a bird bath

please click on photo to see reflection up close

so I stayed home yesterday, no black friday shopping for me. though I did go to the vitamin store and buy some vitamins, but other than that I worked in my garden and this is where I found a piece of the sky -in the bird bath. in case this photo looks familiar it is because I've posted photos of this bird bath before during spring and winter. I guess now all I need is a shot of this in the summer.

today's post is a part of "weekend reflections" hosted by james over at newtown area photo. please go here if you would like to join in the fun. hope your day is a good one.


Julie said…
I find this a very powerful image of an eye from middle earth looking out at me!! I love the angle and the reflections add just so much depth and mystery to the image.

Well spotted.
I liked a lot your composition, this picture is really beautiful!I enlarged the picture and I had a nice surprise!Well done!
Happy weekend reflections
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg
My name is Riet said…
THat is a great reflection photo and a nice composition.Thank you for your visit
Pat said…
Good for you, staying home! I am cooking my Thanksgiving today. I like your birdbath reflection...hasn't rained here in a bit, so no puddles to reflet, and no birdbaths either!
Reader Wil said…
What a great and creative reflection! What a piece of luck you have to have an eye for these special compositions.
Thanks for your visit. My banner is not a x-mas one. It's a Saint Nicholas banner. He happens to have his birthday in December on the 6th. He has nothing to do with X-mas which is a religious celebration for most of us. But thanks for the comment. Have a wonderful weekend!
bobbie said…
I love reflection photos, and this is a really nice one
This is a great picture, it's mysterious somehow.
Lowell said…
I'm glad you decided to work in your garden...nice eye to spot this...I usually walk right by such sights. It's a beautiful reflection and a creative post for the theme!
Anonymous said…
This is wonderful! Good observation.

I didn't shop yesterday either. Too many crowds. :)

My links at James's blog are faulty and McLinky won't let me correct them, so here it is:
Lock 31
Dianne said…
that's a lovely bird bath
the reflections are great
Anonymous said…
Neat image. Please do round out the seasons with another photo. The photo is kind of eye like isn't it.
Alexa said…
Nicely done, Lily! (I'll bet your garden is lovely.)
maryt/theteach said…
Very nice, Lily! I wouldn't shop on Black Friday either! Today was a beautiful day wasn't it? But very windy...right? :)
Janie said…
Nice shot! You never know where you're going to find your piece of sky.
chrome3d said…
Everything had started to blend in to the surroundings and that made it all look so natural.
very nice reflections, I hope the birds appreciate them when they drink!
Kat said…
Such a nice clear reflection, great shot for Weekend Reflections. Kathy
Anonymous said…
I love how you can even since shapes of the clouds in the sky ~ very charming.

My first effort: Weekend Reflection ~ Mussolini's Rome
Wonderful colors and perspective in this beautiful reflective photo! I relate to Julie's comment ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Gwen Buchanan said…
Hey I have a birdbath exactly like that except it is in Canada...

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