the tunnel of love...

I'm not sure really, can this be considered a tunnel or a bridge or both? I'll take my chances and submit this to louis lavache's 'sunday bridges' meme. please visit louis if you'd like to see more bridges or join in the fun and add your own.
I snapped this while sitting in traffic on jericho turnpike heading towards glen cove road. the 'bridge' overhead is the northern parkway. I've posted another view of this tunnel/bridge before here.


Alexa said…
Hey, so it's the underside of the bridge—still a bridge, right? I love the way you take these great shots from your car.
The tunnels looks very low, is it very long?
The tunnels looks very low, is it very long?
Chuck Pefley said…
Since there is a roadway above this definitely falls into the bridge category.
Kay L. Davies said…
I agree, the road above makes it a bridge. The good thing about having a traffic tunnel under the bridge is no one is tempted to sleep under this bridge, LOL.

Kay, Alberta
Unknown said…
i love he title of this post--tunnel of love.:p

i took a similar photo last week. i don't like driving in tunnels.
Zyzzyz said…
I doubt the drivers in the jam are loving it.
joo said…
Tunel of love? How nice:)
Kitty said…
ah, we know jericho turnpike from visiting Mark's mum.

I like how sculptural this tunnel looks. Some civil engineering works can be surprisingly nice to look at!
Kaori said…
I like the smooth arch! Great photo :-D
Halcyon said…
Love the title! And I think it counts. :)
pink go green said…
It must be strong foundation. Yes, I can see it. great photographs

By the way, I followed you in google connect. Hope you do the same. Thanks!