verrazano narrows bridge

Verrazano Narrows Bridge

driving home from pennsylvania last week, I was lucky the traffic was at a standstill so I could get this shot. I guess that's one way of looking at it because seriously, the traffic was the worst I have seen in a long time. if you'd like to know more about the verazzano narrows bridge please go hereplease pop on over to san francisco bay's daily photo to check out the "sunday bridge series". thanks for hosting louis la veche!


Tash said…
Very cool photo! Great vantage point (can I say that if you are below something??).
I drove the bridge last summer...but it was at night :(
--heading from Rye NY to Delaware coast. I had various ways to go but really wanted to drive that bridge. I got off 1st and drove close to the end of Brooklyn bridge.
Tash said…
PS - I love the name too...Verrazano. I enjoyed reading about it on the link.
James said…
That's a really big bridge. I'd like to take a few shots of it myself. It looks like you have plenty of practice at taking shots from your car. :)
Unknown said…
Yes it is a beautiful bridge.. and a great photograph.
Unknown said…
what a great perspective! the dark clouds and sun make an interesting background.
Chuck Pefley said…
Lemons and lemonade ... stalled traffic and photo op -:)))
KaHolly said…
Wow, Lily, that's quite a structure. You've captured it beautifully. ~karen
bobbie said…
What a great shot!
The Verrazano used to mean we were getting close to home. It's a beauty, isn't it?
Marlene said…
I like this photo a lot, I love looking at bridges and it is fun to see ones from the East Coast.
Kaori said…
Being stuck in traffic can be such a pain! But I'm glad you got this beautiful photo of the bridge :-D
Daryl said…
Wonderful perspective!
Pat said…
This is really a good shot, Lily. I've been over this bridge many a time.
Alexa said…
Well, didn't you just make the most of a bad situation?Like Chuck said . . .
And you got a great photo too!
Halcyon said…
A very neat view on this bridge. Glad being stuck in traffic produced something nice!
Louis la Vache said…
Super, Lily! You are the first to post an image of this famous bridge in the Sunday Bridge series! A majestic shot this is, too!
Rob said…
What a grand view of this bridge. A familiar name, Verrazano. We toured Verazzano Castle in the Chianti region and there is a relationship between the winery and New York.
likeschocolate said…
Lovely photo! I guess there is an advantage to being stuck in traffic. Last year we were stuck for almost 2 hours on the stretch of hwy snaking through New York to Massachutes. However, not so nice when you have a car full of cranky children.
Ian said…
Not bad. The way you have balanced the bridge on the tree could be the beginning of a series.
christopher said…
I know those traffic snarls of the reasons I dread going to Staten Island.

Great vantage point and photo though.
Lori Skoog said…
Boy, I just caught up with your last several posts! I love the beach at Long Beach, the cows are sweet, that sunset is amazing and I'd like to eat at that restaurant. You caught a great shot of the bridge....
Crafty Green Poet said…
I like the angle you chose for this photo, and the sky makes a nice dramatic background too
Thérèse said…
Such a nice capture!
Been over it many times but I don't think I have ever seen it from this vantage point.
LKPheartsfood said…
I was walking along the water this weekend and had almost the same vantage point, but sadly, no camera! This is right down the block from me : )

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