muscari in the woods and forsythia too...

I love that someone took the time to plant this carpet of beautiful blue flowers. if you drive by this wooded area too quickly, you just might miss it. I photographed this same muscari flower patch on a sunnier day two years ago. today's rainy atmosphere seemed to bring out the flowers brilliant color. also known as grape hyacinth, these perennial plants are a favorite of mine.
this post is dedicated to the 'abc wednesday' meme and today's letter is the letter M. if you'd like to see other representations of the letter M, or if you'd like to add your own M representation, please visit 'abc wednesday'.
& other muscari found in my backyard...
ABC Team
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
A sea of muscaris! Any scent?
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
~Joy @ Joysweb
Will you lease come and see my Letter M? Thank you!
Gunn / Norway