like a barn
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doesn't this house remind you of a barn? it never used to be red. I think the owners had a vision when they recently put up the new siding on this house. and I have to say, I think it was a great idea to redo this house in red. don't you?
if you'd like to see more illustrated stories from other parts of the planet, please go here, thanks to klaus & his team, sandy, ivar, wren, fishing guy and louise.
Hi Wolynski, this house is located on Fulton Street, a major roadway in Farmingdale.
- Fellow Fdaler
Regarging the arch that you asked about in my Ben Franklin bridge post, I don't know but it looks like it could be support for an old bridge that got torn down.
What I do know is it has a painted sign that says something like "welcome to Penn's Landing"