more seaweed
please click on photo to see water tower details
I love this photo because it has lots of clues about what goes on at robert moses beach. I'm not crazy about cars driving on this beach, but the tread marks form an interesting design. see the pencil/water tower in the background? the best part, other than the ocean, is how people can take a walk along the shoreline. personally I believe walking on a beach is good for the soul.
this is a part of my world. to share a part of yours or just see more of others, please go here, thanks to klaus, sandy, ivar, wren, fishing guy and louise.
I love walking on the beach. I wish it was closer.
What is that tall structure in the left distance?
Have a great week, Lily!
it is so hard to remember that it is actually summer for you all there now..while it has been a little cool here of late!
have a lovely day.
Hugs and blessings,