block island's sacred labyrinth

last august while visiting block island, I finally walked the sacred labyrinth - something I've read about but never experienced. it sits atop a small hill just off of corn neck road. as I circled the narrow path, I enjoyed a beautiful view of the island. I found it to be a very calming experience.
today's post is dedicated to the letter L. if you'd like to see other representations of the letter L or if you'd like to add your own L representation please visit 'abc wednesday'.


Sylvia K said…
What a great thing to be able to do! And what a great word for the L Day! It looks like such a peaceful place! Hope your week is going well, Lily! Enjoy!

Kay L. Davies said…
It does look like a peaceful place, and easier to walk than a maze, where I'd get claustrophobic and in a panic. This labyrinth would be pleasant.

Kay, Alberta
Pat said…
I've never walked a labyrinth, but would like to. How big is this one? Is it one of those where you can get 'lost' or do you just follow its twisting path?
Roger Owen Green said…
one of our local churches has an indoor labyrinth; very meditative, i'm told.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Louis la Vache said…
«Louis» will have another view of the labyrinth at Grace Cathedral again this coming Saturday.
kml said…
you can't get lost in this one! Very intersting!
Daryl said…
I hear that labyrinth and/or prayer circles are always very soothing .. nice shot ... like the POV very much
Kitty said…
very cool. This is different from a crop circle, I take it? lol.

Peacefulness is good.
Being in Nature is good, too.
Tumblewords: said…
How exciting! I've never tried this but would love to! said…
Thanks everyone for your comments, always interesting, & kind too!

Bibi- nope, it's not that big, but as I circled, I did tend to get lost in my thoughts!
I would love to walk that labyrinth. A good way to clear your head and meditate. Beautiful picture Lily
Pietro Brosio said…
It's certainly a good meditation experience, the place looks so quiet and serene. Very nice picture, Lily!
Jack said…
That is pretty unusual. I thought most labyrinths are high enough that you can't see the rest while walking through it. Maybe that is just a maze . . . Something to think about while meditating.

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