nature sanctuary at the massapequa preserve

last saturday around 6pm I was riding my bike when as I turned a bend in the trail, I suddenly heard what sounded like hundreds of birds all chirping at once, like they were all meeting and greeting for the dinner hour. it was really wild. I stopped here to see if I could get a glimpse of what was making the noise. apparently they were all flitting from tree to tree, but the little noisemakers were too far away for me to get a good picture. so I settled for this.
I love nature, the perfect word for today's letter N. if you'd like to see other representations of the letter N or if you'd like to add your own N representation please visit 'abc wednesday'.


Wanda said…
You captured a wonderful moment with this picture... Sorry you didn't get the birds...maybe next time.
Sylvia K said…
What a gorgeous place! And the colors are fantastic! What a terrific shot you were able to get -- with or without the birds! As Wanda said, maybe next time, but this is perfect as it is! Hope your week is going well, Lily!

This is a beauitful autumn photo, Lily! I love when the birds all gatherin a bunch and chirp together as if they were gossiping :)
Kay L. Davies said…
Those colors are amazing, simply amazing. Look at that pinky-purply-red ...I'm glad you got to hear the birds, but your photo is perfect in and of itself.

Kay, Alberta
Andrea said…
Wow that really is something! If i am a bird or whatever 'something' not a human being, i certainly would love to stay there! As if they also see beauty as we do, i bet they see beauty when food is abundant. haha! I envy your biking grounds.
Unknown said…
Amazing place. So much colors. Have a great day!
Roger Owen Green said…
people forget that LI isn't just one long highway - lovely

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
biebkriebels said…
A beautiful place with the autumn colours and the water. Would love to bike around there too.
Pat said…
You did well to stop, birds or no birds! Beautiful, relaxing photo.
Fred Miller said…
The perfect moment. The light is so cool, yet the colors are so full fifty yards back. You've done yourself proud.
KaHolly said…
Since I can't be there, too, your exquisite photograph is surely the next best thing!
Daryl said…
Oh Lily, thats lovely ...
Channal said…
Beautiful shot! In Sweden the birds meets up to fly together to Africa! / Anna
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness, that's GORGEOUS! What an incredible view that is!
Marie said…
Hi lily - where is this nature reserve? It's beautiful.
Anonymous said…
beautiful picture! love it.

fellow Fdaler
Anonymous said…
What a gorgeous photo and a beautiful place to walk or bike.
mari said…
omg what a gorgeous photo. Lucky you to live near the preserve!
Ming the Merciless said…
The colors are amazing and the photo is perfectly framed. Great job.

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