a little sunflower to brighten up this dreary day

I captured this vibrant specimen while walking through my neighborhood with priscilla this past september. can you believe we are nearly half way through october??? it's been almost six months since I last posted here. a lot of good things have happened in my life as of late, a few not so good too. in the end, life always seems to be just how it's supposed to be. I hope that has been the same for you all as well.


Alexa said…
SO good to see you back! Time flies whether you're having fun or not—but it's been too long.
Kitty said…
Hi Lily!!

I was wondering how you were and am happy to see you're blogging again.

I agree with your viewpoint on life....it's a view that helps me through the tough times.
Incredibly vibrant colors. My sunflowers come and go in three weeks time in early August. Glad to have you back.
nice come back, Lily! :)
Lori Skoog said…
Talk about clarity in a photo! Wow.
Where in the heck have you been?
dianasfaria.com said…
wow! thanks you guys! I LOVE the blogging world!
: )
Shell Sherree said…
Lily!!!! It's lovely to see you back here again. I can't believe we're well into October either. The 'acceptance of what is' philosophy can be somewhat comforting if one can get a handle on it. Beautiful sunflower!
Anonymous said…
I love sunflowers!

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