reflections on cugini pizza

I always associate italian restaurants with an old billy joel song about brenda and eddie. does anyone know it? I listened to that album I can no longer remember the name of, over my christmas break while pining away for a boy named anthony. sweet memories. and this restaurant was pretty good too. tasty, cozy (especially with anthony) and not too expensive.

for more weekend reflections, please visit james of newtown area photo here.


Anonymous said…
nice reflections. ;-) I have to look up that song. I'm not sure if I know it or not. I like the hearts on the ceiling. You find the nicest decorations.

Sylvia K said…
Ah, you touched a memory this evening! Love the song! Have a great weekend, Lily!

VP said…
'Scenes from an Italian Restaurant' (one of my favorite songs) is originally from the 1997 album 'The Stranger'.
The third and last part of this song is usually known as 'The Ballad of Brenda and Eddie'.
I have just read that Billy Joel premiered this song at Long Island University C.W. Post Campus.
The restaurant in the song was the 'Fontana di Trevi' in Manhattan, across from Carnegie Hall. Last time I saw it, in 2008. it was still there.
Anonymous said…
I love that song too! Many scenes from Italian Restaurants here in Milan. Beautiful peaceful glow from the candlelight...and perfect hearts for upcoming Valentine's Day.

You can find mine here:
Weekend Reflection ~ Ghostly Images
Pat said…
Don't know the song, but I'm about to Google it.

Soft, romantic photos.

I am linking to you tomorrow, Sunday, for your birthday....
eileeninmd said…
They look ready for Valentines Day. Love the hearts and your reflections. Great capture!
I HEART the valentine photo, the way that all of the visual interest is at the top of the photo!

Kat said…
Gorgeous still life! A bottle of red, a bottle of white ... the Stranger is one of my favorite Billy Joel albums. Thanks for the big smile this morning. Kathy
Marlene said…
I am not familiar with the song so can't comment on that. The reflections in your photo are magnificent.
Daryl said…
I love reflections and I love Italian food ..
Dianne said…
brenda and eddie were the popular steadies ...

bottle of red, bottle of white ...

I could go on and on ;)

love the reflection of the candle in the glass
Pietro Brosio said…
Beautiful reflections, Lily. I imagine that the pasta is excellent in that restaurant!
Louis la Vache said…
Although «Louis» is fond of the 'oldies', he can't help you with this one - so he's glad to see VP filled in the blanks! When «Louis» says he likes the oldies, he means the real oldies - nothing much later than Mozart... ;-)
Anonymous said…
Music has a way of keeping memories alive, that's for sure. Now I have to Google the song...but maybe it will cause me to reflect on something sad too. Ah, I'll check it out anyway!
Alexa said…
I've eaten in Fontana di Trevi SO many times! They served their salad in a bowl made of Parmesan cheese and I actually duplicated it! One of my faves (as is that album—thanks, VP), but I'm pretty sure the restaurant is no longer there (I just tried to call them—no luck). Meanwhile, I love your reflections, and I could definitely go for a slice right now!
James said…
Cool. I love pizza so this is my kind of reflection. :)
Anonymous said…
The first photo is nice, warm, cozy and well done.
Serendipity said…
I like those dangling hearts!
Wonderful reflections and the song brings back lovely memories for me! Beautiful skies in the previous post too.
Hugs and blessings,

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