C is for cold...

as in partially frozen waterfall. need I say more?

today is abc wednesday thanks to our host mrs. nesbitt. the letter for the day is C. please go here to join in the fun.


Sylvia K said…
Oh, brrrrrrr! It does indeed look cold, Lily! But what a great shot! And certainly perfect for the C day! Have a lovely evening -- what's left of it -- a great tomorrow!

Great photo and about how we feel in Greensboro now! Supposed to warm up today but still no school.

VP said…
A very beautiful image. I can't imagine something more cold inspiring than this.
Chie Wilks said…
it must really be cold while you took this photo..i can feel it

mine's up too
Pat said…
Nope, the photo says it all. I almost took a photo of a row of tooth-like icicles hanging from the front of my car...
bobbie said…
the only logical choice for "c" today. It is a great picture.
christopher said…
It certainly has felt like a long winter so far...but if it's going to be winter, I like it cold...and I like the picture as well.
It looks cold, indeed! It took me a while to figure out what it was. :-)
James said…
Your picture says it all!
Anonymous said…
That's cool, reminds of upstate visits in the winter. Also beautiful sites in Alaska. PGma
Looks very cold, Lily! Hope NYC does not get a lot of snow this weekend as they predict.
lv2scpbk said…
It's been cold here too but a beautiful snapshot.
Also, On behalf of the ABC team, thanks for participating.
Christine H. said…
I'm so glad to have found your blog. I love the idea and i love that you have linked to other similar daily photo blogs. It's like having a personal artistic world web cam.
I'll be back!
Cold indeed.

Pat- I think it's almost certain that Philly & NYC will get snow, but NOT Albany (yay!)
Tumblewords: said…
Now that's COLD. How beautiful it is, though.
jay said…
My goodness - it takes some serious cold to freeze a waterfall, doesn't it? But the results are always spectacular!

Lori Skoog said…
What a great catch! Chilly but gorgeous.
chrome3d said…
Enjoy it now because you have certainly suffered the cold to see it.
MmeBenaut said…
Wow! This is a sight I'd love to see and touch the ice. It makes for a spectacular photo, Lily.

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