bongos no more

for a brief moment in time this building looked like it was going to be another vacant storefront. it used to be bongos. driving by  just a few days ago I was happy to see it is now "tasca convivio" I was also happy to catch these interesting reflections just as the red light I was waiting at changed.
if you like reflections, please visit james of newtown area photo to see more.


Sylvia K said…
Marvelous captures as always, Lily! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!

SquirrelQueen said…
Nice reflections in a great shot. This meme has got me seeing reflections everywhere I go, love it.

Have a great weekend.
Pat said…
Love your drive-by shootings... :)
bobbie said…
Like shadows, reflections are everywhere, if we look closely. Very nice shot.
Marlene said…
The reflections in the windows are perfect!
Hi Lily

That was a nice capture of a reflection in the restaurant window! Glad the business was bought by someone else. Did you ever eat there?

Such nice weather today here on LI--hope you enjoy it!

♥ Pat
Anonymous said…
The reflection in the window is perfect!
Alexa said…
Was going to say more or less what Bibi said! :~)
Hope for the sake of both of you that they never outlaw driving and snapping as they have driving and talking on a cell phone. (I know you don't actually do it while you're driving—you have Ian do it for you!)
(And I just added that movie to my Netfix queue—thanks for the tip.)
Beth Niquette said…
Interesting reflections.
Lindz said…
even that little window provides a great reflections of the building, nice shot
Unknown said…
nice reflections in the building window and also on the van. have a wonderful weekend!!
James said…
Nice job. There are reflections all over this picture. :)
Fashion Schlub said…
ooh, what was Bongos?? that sounded fun.
Dianne said…
I love the building and the blue sky reflected in the window
Martha Z said…
The neighborhood reflected in the windows. I hope it has good food.
Wow, reflections on every surface.

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