favorite presidents and a special feature

americans all over the u.s. celebrate presidents day today, mainly by having the day off from work. I saved these two photos from last year in anticipation of this holiday. george's photo was taken on my trip to milwaukee last june when I visited their war memorial center and abe lincoln's photo was taken at the national portrait gallery in washington dc last october. I was especially impressed by the fact that this is a photograph of abe, so we get to see a more accurate depiction of what mr. lincoln actually looked like. who are your favorite presidents?

on another note, VP from livorno daily photo has another wonderful blog named "a bunch of benches" and was kind enough to feature one of my photos from long island daily photo on his blog today! please visit here if you'd like to see it, it really is a neat blog. Thank you VP, you made my day!


James said…
Didn't it used to be two seperate holidays, Lincoln and Washington's birthdays?
It's hard to choose just one.
My two favorite presidents in the 20th century would be Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt. My two favorites before the 20th century are Washington and Lincoln. It's too early to pick favorites in this century.
Thank's for the links!
VP said…
James is right, it's better don't meddle with the current century and, in my case, with another country's affairs.
Pat said…
How true it is that most Americans just think of this holiday as a 'day off'. Yes, James, there used to be two separate holidays, which at least focused on G. Washington and A. Lincoln. I remember little sour cherries (like sour balls) on 'stems' being sold.
Lowell said…
This is the first post I've seen relating to President's Day...we have all these holidays and sometimes forget what they are all about...and I appreciate your posting two of our truly great presidents!
I live about 5 doors down from Hannibal Hamlin's historic home in Bangor. Hannibal Hamlin was Abraham Lincoln's first VP.

I will have to go take a photo of that house.
Daryl said…
Congrats on having your photo featured! And thanks for reminding everyone what today is really about
Fashion Schlub said…
for completely unpolitical and uninformed reasons, I was always partial to President Ford because he resembled my father!
Pietro Brosio said…
Very beautiful post, Lily.
Happy new week!
Alexa said…
You were definitely thinking ahead, Lily! And how nice that your beautiful blue bench (I love both of your photos of it) is being featured by VP! Not sure I could name my favorite president. I could definitely name my least fave (but since we no longer have to worry about him, I won't go there!) --
Anonymous said…
The photo of the bench is one of my very favorites. Love it! PGma
Ian France said…
That's a really awesome photo of Abe, who's definitely up there, but not my favorite president. My favorite prez has to be... Teddy!

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