j is for jack o'lantern

please click on photo to see jack up close
can you find him? he is made out of a shiny metallic paper thin type material. I found him on the side of the road last november, long after halloween was over.
today is abc wednesday thanks to mrs. nesbitt, and the letter for the day is J. please go here to join in the fun.
I'd rather see that than dried raw egg anytime ..lol
Yellowstone National park was amazing! I'm sure your friend will ahve many stories. I'd love to know what her favorites were.
Thanks Shell, & I agree with you about the litter, I think that was exactly what made me snap that photo.
Bobbie I'd like to know the same thing.
Alexa, funny you should say that because I have been wondering how I would use this photo ever since I snapped it.
Thanks Daryl
Thanks Diane
& thank you too Pietro
so true Pat, so true! Your Yellowstone trip looks amazing.
I'm very fond of Halloween because so few people trick-or-treat here. Kids go to stores for treats, but rarely if ever to apartments.
Sometimes apartment buildings will have their own trick-or-treating of course.
Nice catch.