
while reading some incredibly moving september 11th tributes this morning I was reminded of this photo I took while up in our plane circling manhattan last june. I remember thinking at the time of all the instances I have looked at the spot where the twin towers once stood since 911, only to find out they still aren't there, it really did happen.
this post is dedicated to the memory of all those who perished and all of those still suffering the effects of september 11th - we will never forget.
I came here from Sylvia Over the Hill blog sicne you mentioned you have a 9-11 post today and I wanted to read it. I have one also as our city had a rememberance ceremony for 9-11 today down at the Quay on the Columbia River. Maybe you would like to read about it. . .
now - there is a tug at my heart every time I don't see them
thank you Lily for your lovely comment and for including me in your list