holidays at the family grill

please click on photo to see decorations up close

it certainly seems like this place has got it covered as far as their holiday decorations go. we stopped here while out looking for our tree during the "blizzard of 2009". believe it or not, we weren't the only ones dining out last saturday night!

this post is a part of my world tuesday. to share a part of yours or just see more of others, please go here, thanks to klaus for hosting with his team of helpers, sandy, wren, fishing guy, sylvia and louise.


Unseen India Tours said…
Beautiful and lovely !! So festive!!
chrome3d said…
At least nobody will be mistaken that it´s Halloween!
bobbie said…
Covered, and then some. They went all-out.
Lori Skoog said…
It's hard to believe that you have more snow than we do! I got here via "Virginia." When I click on your follower logo, it only gives me your email address.

Thanks for all your comments, and have a very Merry Christmas!
Anonymous said…
I love the festive look of the place. ;-)

Have a happy one!

Sylvia K said…
No doubt at all what holiday it is! What a fun shot, Lily! And it is festive!!

Have a great week! Wishing you and yours a very wonderful, Merry Christmas! Enjoy and stay warm!!

Lori said…
Love the parachuting santas! That's a very fun looking restaurant.
Louis la Vache said…
Hmmmm... Grilled Cheese and a cup of Tomato Soup, thank you!

Not very "gourmet," but sometimes we just need comfort food and no pretentiousness....
Ian France said…
Great photo! (and snow, on ur blog XD)
storyteller said…
What FESTIVE and fun holiday decor! I shared My World later than usual this week due to Christmas 'stuph' and am playing 'catch up' today ... Wishing you and yours a joyous holiday ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

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