vintage santa and company

please click on photo to see adorable faces up close

I'm guessing this photo was taken around 1961 right here on long island. my two brothers and santa claus...way before I was born! (he-he-he)

today is abc wednesday thanks to our host mrs. nesbitt. the letter for the day is V. please go here to join in the fun.


Sylvia K said…
Don't I wish it was way before I was born!!! Great shot for the day! Love those vintage things since I'm one of the them, Lily.

Enjoy, it's really not that bad!

Pietro Brosio said…
Lily, I like very much this kind of photos!
I'm always amazed that the world already existed when I didn't exist at all!!
Pat said…
Maybe they asked for a little sister? :)
Hilda said…
Awww, sweet!
My brother, who was born in CA, has a similar photo. Way before I was born too! :)
Very cheerful picture!
Is he your garandpa?
Fashion Schlub said…
oh, i *love* the old Santa's lap photos! thanks for sharing, lily!
Anonymous said…
I still remember the snow-suit, and the sweater. I know this was a department store santa, but I can't say I remember this particular one. I do very clearly remember my little baby sister coming home just a few months later :)
- The Brother On The Right
Anonymous said…
The boy on the right was 3 years, the boy on the left was just 2, I believe it was taken at the mall. Good question, I'll try and remember, PGma
Tumblewords: said…
What an adorable shot! Vintage seems like just yesterday to me...
Daryl said…
Oh this is priceless, Lily, thanks for sharing!
I was 8 in 1961; DEFINITELY "the look" of those Santa photos.
Louis la Vache said…
«Louis» wishes he could say that this was taken well before he was born. Alas, he was already 14....Louis obtient d'être une vache antique
Jay said…
In 1961 I was nine. So yeah, it's vintage - but not before I was born! Those early colour snapshots really didn't last well, did they? Mine are all all orange, too.

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