suburban clown

some clown stole my parking space the other day. actually that's not what happened but I thought it would be fun to say given the picture above. please visit mellow yellow monday and join in the fun. happy november 1st everyone!


Kay L. Davies said…
That's not what happened? Too bad, it would have made a good picture. Oh, well, it made a good picture anyway.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
mARTy said…
so funny;-) have a good one
Marites said…
I wonder where he's going:) running away? have a good week!
eileeninmd said…
That's funny! Great capture of the clown and yellow. Happy MYM!
Was he also for Halloween?
indicaspecies said…
Good shot for Mellow Yellow.:)
Shahz said…
So cute!! Happy MYM!!!
mari said…
There's something kind of sad about this picture. It's a great shot, and I like the contrast in colors - the clown's outfit against the parking lot and cars. i like it, but, maybe it's because I always expect to see a clown being happy and surrounded by people.
JunieRose2005 said…
I like it!

Shows clowns are real people doing things that all people have to do...LOL-like finding a parking place to shop! (Life is not just all fun and games!!)

Junie Rose
So funny Lily! Don't you love Halloween?
Alexa said…
You could wait a long time for the opportunity to toss off a great one-liner like that! Glad you were in the right place at the right time, Lily (and of course you had your trusty camera ready).
Pat said…
Ha! Where was this fellow headed? Maybe for some pasta at that restaurant?
Pietro Brosio said…
Funny picture! Beautiful cars!

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