Harvesting Cherries on Cherry Street

Hmm...is this a typical Long Island activity? I can't say for sure. Maybe it's interesting because it's not so typical. Whatever the case might be I can tell you that there were easily three times the amount of what is shown here that was harvested in one Summer evening from a tiny Cherry Tree in my own backyard. Because they are quite tart, we made cherry pie too!

Please note two of my favorite people helping me pit cherries


MmeBenaut said…
How incredibly delicious. I remember cherry pie that I used to devour when I was 18 and spent 4 months in Vancouver, Canada. We didn't have anything like it here and I think that I put on at least 10 pounds over that time; mostly from all the pie I ate!
Ian France said…
That particular cherry pie is especially good with ice cream.
dianasfaria.com said…
I know exactly what both of you mean, I'm having trouble resisting what is left in my fridge!
Petrea Burchard said…
Wow! They're such a bright red. We bought cherries at our farmers' market yesterday and they're very dark. (Ripe, too.) I remember the pies. Mmm, pie.
Anonymous said…
Oh, wow! Your own cherry tree? That is so cool! Thanks for stopping by my site.

dianasfaria.com said…
Hi paz- Our cherry tree was planted the year my niece was born 25 years ago!
Petrea, I find these cherries too tart to eat outside a pie, but that doesn't stop other people from sampling them off the tree.
Thanks for stopping by everyone.
; )
Anonymous said…
good times

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