christmas tree with sea shells

I wonder if people in other parts of the world share plants with their neighbors. I'm guessing that of course they must. my neighbor has an especially green thumb and is always offering me extra plants that seem to sprout up out of no where all around his yard. earlier this fall I was over his house digging up a crepe myrtle when he offered me this little christmas tree as well. I thought I would plant it in this pot & keep it by my door so I could look at it all winter. it turned out that today it was casting lovely shadows as well. if you would like to see more illustrated shadows please go check out hey harriet's shadow shot sunday over here.
happy sunday everyone!
Everyone remains shut up in his apartment and at the condominiun meetings often furious arguments break out!!!!!
Great festive shadow shot. My fave Xmas trees are live potted ones. Much nicer than the plastic ones :)
Giving plants, living things, is a wonderful gesture.
love the concept of living xmas trees!
Have a nice Sunday evening!
very wispy shadows, lovely
It's hard enough living in close quarters without having people minding your business. So cordial and friendly is perfectly fine for me.