the quintessential ny hot spot

please click on photo to see added details of serendipity's interior

known for their fabulous desserts, serendipity 3 in manhattan really is a hot spot, but in a fun unpretentious way. we have been wanting to check this place out for ages, so when we were in town touring the intrepid, we thought we should try it. I first heard about serendipity 3 from rachel ray when she did a review of their frozen hot chocolate. I must say miss ray is correct, the FHC is excellent!
if you want to eat here, it is a good idea to make a reservation, though they don't accept reservations for dessert. we arrived a good fifteen minutes early and were seated within minutes which amazes me since there were groups of people outside waiting to get in.
quintessential is my theme for today's abc wednesday meme that I have been participating in the last few weeks. today's letter is the letter q & this was the first thought that popped into my head. please go here if you'd like to see more reports on the letter q. thank you for hosting this mrs. nesbitt!
have you eaten at a fun place lately?


Pietro Brosio said…
It's nice! What a light! Great atmosphere there, Lily.
Hey Harriet said…
Frozen Hot Chocolate? Sounds interesting! I like chocolate any ol' way. Frozen, hot,'s all good to me!

I've heard of Serendipity. Maybe it was featured recently on an American film/TV show I saw or something. The interior look very impressive!
bobbie said…
It certainly looks fabulous!
Though I'm sorry to see they, too, are rushing the Christmas season.
You must have really enjoyed that day
Liz Hinds said…
Ooh, I like the sound of that! I love desserts!
Richard Lawry said…
Quintessential is a quintessential word.

An Arkie's Musings
Reader Wil said…
Very good choice for Q, but I should also like to know what frozen hot chocolate is! I like the stained glass window.
Katney said…
Frozen hot chocolate? That is an oxymoron for sure.
Powell River Books said…
I've never been to New York. This looks like a very fun place to check out if I ever do. I invite you to come take a ride on my quad into the Powell River, BC, back country. - Margy
SLW said…
Awesome photo-- looks to be quite the place. The FHC sounds delicious... Thanks, Lily!
earthlingorgeous said…
oooOOOooo what indeed a Quintesential place I wanna dine in there! Specially with the movie they shot in there! Great choice!

By the way, maybe you would like to join my bloggy anniversary giveaway :)

Anonymous said…
Frozen hot chocolate? Mmmmmm!!! I many just have to drop by if I'm in New York!! I have no idea what it is or what it could possibly taste like, but I'd be happy to find out!

Great picture - it looks quite unique.

Thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday! Perhaps Mr Linky will be behaving himself next week. ;)
Bear Naked said…
I am QUITE late this week visiting your blog.
I was feeling QUEASY yesterday.

Bear((( )))
Flying Solo said…
This really a nice shot :)

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