upstate new york skywatch

please click on photo to see more detail

I took this photograph from the backseat last saturday while I was getting a tour of the beautiful countryside somewhere in brunswick, new york. for those of you unfamiliar with the term "upstate", that is how long islanders refer to the rest of new york that lies above itself and manhattan. for a more complete definition, check this out.

today is skywatch friday, if you'd like to see more skies from all around the world, please go here, thanks to klaus and his team, sandy, wren, fishing guy, louise and sylvia.

also, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow blogger friend pietro for creating this beautiful award that he has passed on to me, thank you pietro for sharing your talent so generously!
if you ever get a chance to check out more of pietro's beautiful artwork I can assure you will not be disappointed. I absolutely love his improvisations. go check out his site and see for yourself!


Sylvia K said…
What a lovely skies, Lily! Love the big puffy clouds!

Hope you have a great weekend!


Pietro Brosio said…
Thanks for your nice words, Lily!
Your Sky Watch picture is really charming: the waves of the meadow seem to follow those of the sky and vice versa.
Anonymous said…
Lovely shot. I love everything in this photo -- from the vivid blue, cloudy sky, beautiful greenery and that touch of red. Nice colors!

Shell Sherree said…
I love the movement in the foreground with the stillness behind. Lovely! And congrats, Lily, on the beautiful and apt award from Pietro, whose art is magnificent!
My name is Riet said…
THat is a beautiful sky. LOve the sight
GreensboroDailyPhoto said…
Definitely worth enlarging.So beautiful. Gives a whole new meaning to "drive by."
Buck said…
Gorgeous! I'm not that far from Brunswick, it was cool to see from your perspective.
Lori said…
What beautiful scenery. That part of the state is so lovely.
Margaret Gosden said…
What is that touch of red seeming to be in the middle of so green a field. Lovely sky.
Daryl said…
What lovely landscape, what is New Brunswick near? I wondered what those blurs were in the foreground .. mailboxes!!!!!! Great shot, Lily!
Pat said…
I like this 'moving' picture! I never realized that 'upstate New York' included so much territory and is all in relation to above Manhattan! Reminds me of the attitude that Parisians had (and to some extent still have: outside of Paris, it was 'province' or 'le desert'!
Alexa said…
Yes, I love the way we lump all the rest of New York State together. Also love your photo, especially that spot of red. Enjoy your (well-deserved) award—and your weekend!
Erin said…
everything is beautiful and oh so green there. nice capture from the car :)
Martha said…
Beautiful! I went to college in Upstate NY... Paul Smiths.

My Skywatch Friday
Martha Z said…
Interesting sky but I love the green fields. Now that we have had rain in Northern California I am hoping for green. Currently everything is dry and brown.
Linda said…
Lovely scudding clouds. And what vibrant green fields.

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