m is for macabre

according to merriam- webster, dwelling on the gruesome, tending to produce horror in a beholder are among the definitions of macabre. I guess that about sums up the halloween decorations this farmingdale resident displays on his front lawn every year. and every year the macabre is always done a little differently too, keeping things interesting. remember last years?

today is abc wednesday thanks to mrs. nesbitt, and the letter for the day is M. please go here to join in the fun.


Anonymous said…
Oh my!

Do you decorate your place for Halloween, too?

Irene said…
Fun. Macabre is fun for Halloween. I like it.
Sylvia K said…
Oh, wow, Lily! That is Halloween personified! Bet they have fun every year!!

Watch out for the ghosts!!

James said…
Cool photo and great M choice. It sort of reminds me of the band Iron Maiden.
Pat said…
I miss Halloween festivities here....I make pumpkin pies though. This is one nasty dude.
Babzy.B said…
i wouldn't like to have this decoration in my garden !happy halloween ;)
GreensboroDailyPhoto said…
I love the muted colors. Great photo and makes me realize it is time to get out there and snap some FALL photos!
Daryl said…
Spooooky .. I must post pix of the Halloween Super Store that opened in the former home of Circuit City in my 'hood
bobbie said…
Macabre is what I do NOT like about Halloween. I enjoy remembering the fun and cute costumes we wore as kids, and the kind and friendly neighbors who gave us yummy home-made things. Today's Halloween can't hold a candle to it.
mari said…
Love that photo! And would love to have that fella over for dinner. Ha!
Leslie: said…
The season for macabre monsters is moving up on us very quickly! This is a memorable photos! :D
Joy said…
Weird and wonderful. What an inventive display, last years looks even better.
Pietro Brosio said…
Macabre ideed, Lily! Nice image of Halloween.
Roger Owen Green said…
Oh, I think macabre has its place - not generally my cuppa. Still an effective pho-o-o-o-to!
swapna said…
Cheeeze!Its definitely macabre to the literal meaning.Checked out last years...they seem to be pretty good at creating macabres!

Nice M post.
Tumblewords: said…
Macabre, to be sure! I'd only want to visit there during the daylight. :)

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