there goes the high school football team...

I sat at a red light as the team crossed jericho turnpike. it reminded me of the recent news about football players and head trauma. I worry for the players, especially the young ones. so I was glad to read about how if athletes will at least take less hits, like in practice for instance, they can significantly reduce the number of hits to the head which is important when you consider how many times a player gets hit over a long career. I found the article on the new york times nfl blog here.
this post is a part of my world tuesday. to share a part of yours or just see more of others, please go here, thanks to klaus for hosting with his team of helpers, sandy, wren, fishing guy, sylvia and louise.
Have a good week!
My world is up here
Great photograph!
lots of breaks and tears but luckily no head trauma
the photo is wonderful enlarged!! their expressions are so endearing and the light on the trees is lovely