A Rarity in My Backyard

We have at least a half dozen Rose of Sharon growing in our backyard. They are very good at planting themselves. The one pictured here is the only one I purchased on sale at the end of last Autumn.
I've been waiting for this one to bloom, anxious to find out its color. All the rest of ours are pinks and purples. I guess I got lucky. Isn't she a beauty? This photo is a credit to the Sun's handiwork.
please visit "today's flowersif you'd like to see more beautiful blooms or if you'd like to add your own.


Gemma Wiseman said…
Magical folds of white! Like Nature's crepe paper!
KaHolly said…
It is just gorgeous! I miss my Rose of Sharon trees. I planted them when I lived in TX and again in Mass. I wonder if they still are as beautiful. Thanks for sharing! ~karen
Lori Skoog said…
What a perfect catch. I finally caught up with your posts. That Robert Moses shot makes you feel it.
Yukinori Katayama said…
lovely but bit sad...i know your feeling!
Thérèse said…
Such a pleasure when one can catch such a beauty in one's garden.
Marlene said…
This is a gorgeous flower, I have a rose of sharon in purple. I did not know they came in white. So lovely. Now I have to find a white one to plant along with my purple.
Daryl said…
Gorgeous .. it reminds me of a hibiscus!
Anonymous said…
Oh! This is wonderful-looking! I love it!

Anonymous said…
Lovely, PGma
Lori said…
Oh, how lovely. It reminds me of a beautiful ruffly fabric. What a pretty photo of your rose of sharon.
This is really lovely, Lily! I have the pink Rose of Sharons growing in my yeard and never saw an all white one
christopher said…
We have some White Rose of Sharon in our yard...but none that look as beautiful as this gem.

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