signs of spring and a giveaway

we had a bit of warm weather I don't know, sometime not that long ago but it's been chilly lately, cold enough to need gloves at least. thankfully the sky has been blue and the trees are budding. I even found a little nest while looking up at the trees. can you see it?
please don't forget to enter my giveaway by posting a comment under last saturday's post. you can access it from the sidebar by clicking on the beach picture or by simply clicking right here
also, to share a part of your world or just see more of others, please go to "that's my world tuesday". a big thanks to klaus for hosting with his team of helpers, sandy, wren, and sylvia.


Babzy.B said…
this is a big nest !
liberal sprinkles said…
The nest doesn't look so little!
I bloghopped my way over here, have a great day!
eileeninmd said…
It does look like a big nest, lovely shot of the pretty sky. I wonder what birdie made the nest.
Kitty said…
Hope you're doing well, Lily, esp with the nippy weather. I was not prepared at all for yesterday. Eek.

I really enjoy these nests and wonder what it's like to sleep in them. Incredible they do not fall apart.
Daryl said…
Oh those buds are cheery!
Anonymous said…
I think that is a squirrels nest. They have babies this time of the year. Yes I noticed the trees begining to bud and the grass is greening.PGma
Pietro Brosio said…
Really beautiful the trees with the nest and the deep blue sky!
Lori said…
Oh, signs of spring! It is nice to see. I wonder what kind of bird built that big nest.
Virginia said…
Glad you all in the tundra are finally seeing signs of spring. That's one big nest. Squirrel?
Anonymous said…
I posted budding tree for Wordless Wednesday, Lily...
Andrea said…
At least you have lovely skies there, imagine you still have cold temps while we already have early onset of dry season. It is now 34C already and we are just starting the season! Those buds are promising beautiful flowers!

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