october sky over jericho turnpike

please click on photo to see more detail

sadly, electrical lines are a part of the skies over long island. I am so used to seeing them I'm often taken by surprise when someone makes a comment about them ruining the view. I'm not sure anything could ruin this view though. besides, I like the stark contrast of the silhouettes against the soft sky. also, these clouds seem to make everything else insignificant. what do you think?

today is skywatch friday, if you'd like to see more skies from all around the world, please go here, thanks to klaus and his team, sandy, wren, fishing guy and louise.


Sylvia K said…
Ah, the electric lines are everywhere except in front of my deck, but every time I want to get a shot of a sunrise instead of a sunset there are lines everywhere even here in the neighborhood. They do show a sharp contrast and, like you, I occasionally use them in just that way. You've got a terrific shot here, Lily, that does indeed show the contrast and it is stunning! Happy SWF!

Enjoy your weekend!

Pietro Brosio said…
I agree, those splendid clouds seem to make everything else insignificant. Besides, the electric lines and the traffic lights are not useless in the image composition.
Happy Sky Watch, Lily!
The lines are all part of the view. Nice one!
My Skywatch
Pat said…
Finally a sky I can relate to! :<)

Here too where I live there are wires everywhere, but you have managed to make them look good in your photo!
Dianne said…
I often think the lines add to the view
a bit of angle
in your shot the far off traffic signal has a wonderful shape!!
it all adds to the beauty
Shell Sherree said…
I love your photo, Lily! If I was just cloud gazing, I'd prefer the view without power lines, but I like the effect in your photo. Have a lovely weekend!!
James said…
This is a really good photo Lily. I think the the lights and lines just adds to it.
Great shot!
Daryl said…
Aw no apologies ever for a superbly composed photo .. those electrical lines do not detract, they add to the over all ..
Alexa said…
I agree—the lines and lights make this an interesting composition. Here in the city the electric lines are underground, but you still have to work around the ugly overarching streetlights.
Maurice Lauher said…
The lines define the compostion for me. I especially like the bottom left corner.
Joe Todd said…
Beautiful skies. I did a skyWatch once where I featured all the electric/telephone lines as part of the photos. After all they are squirrel highways.
eileeninmd said…
Beautiful skies even with the electrical lines. They are just about everywhere it is hard to loose them. Thanks for sharing yoru skywatch.
Kcalpesh said…
A signal set in the skies? I bet it must be controlling the air traffice :-D Great skywatch photo!!

- Pixellicious Photos

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