
with the exception of reporting about another favorite pizza place, I don't think I've ever photographed an actual slice to post here on LIDP. hard to believe since new york is so well known for its excellent pizza! I stopped at gino's in farmingdale yesterday to get a slice for lunch, and as I was thinking about how delectable it was I suddenly remembered today's letter is 'D' for the abc wednesday meme. if you'd like too, please visit and check out other 'D' representations.


GreensboroDailyPhoto said…
This is my kind of pizza! You're making me hungry. GDP's post is the one after yours, so, we're just out visiting neighbors!!!!
Sylvia K said…
Oh, yes! And I don't care if it is nearly 10 PM here in Seattle, I'm starving for some delectable pizza! What a great one for the D Day, Lily! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy --- lots of pizza!

Gayle said…
It's been way too long since I've had pizza - now I know what to have for lunch tomorrow. Only hope it tastes as good as yours looks!
☺lani☺ said…
This delectable pizza looks really delicious! Have a delightful day!
Gigi Ann said…
Yummy is right, I want a bite of that pizza right now. It sounds like a good choice for lunch. Maybe, I'll have pizza for my lunch today. Sounds like a plan to me.
Unknown said…
Yummy. I'am hungry now.
lizziviggi said…
Oh, yum! This is cruel to post right after my doc said I need to cut down on cheese... :-(
Daryl said…
Lucky for me I finished my lunch before I clicked in here .. pizza is my absolutely favorite food and one I cannot eat because I cannot stop with one slice I dont start .. I am back out of here so I dont try to bite my monitor!
Unknown said…
Look good enough to eat! Definitely delectable. Thank you NY bloggers for giving us good food today, Italian and Chinese.
Roger Owen Green said…
Yes, it does look delish.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Tumblewords: said…
It's hard to beat a good pizza. Surely, it is! Excellent shot.
Louis la Vache said…
OK, so now you've made «Louis» hungry and he's over here demanding that you e-mail him a slice...
Vinay Leo R. said…
very nice.. I'm gonna order one now I think :D
I was gonna say: it's a slice of New York! But I guess they could make decent pizza in LI, right? ;)

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