in memoriam

"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."~ Joseph Campbell


photowannabe said…
Lovely quote and a very poignant picture.
Babzy.B said…
moving , no words to add ...
soulbrush said…
this needs no words....sigh...
so they used to be there, we are here now.
beautiful and sacred picture!
Kitty said…
aw, very appropriate photo, Lily.
Happy Memorial Day weekend.
Daryl said…
May they rest in peace ..
bobbie said…
A beautiful tribute.

If that is LI National, my husband is there.
Fashion Schlub said…
Perfect capture for today, Miss Lily.

Memorially Yours,
Miss Bettye
luvmyboys said…
As always, just perfect.
Anonymous said…
Perfect post for this holiday weekend.

Janie said…
Inspiring and sad, as memorials always are.
Lowell said…
Powerful photo for Memorial Day!

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