southampton ducks

please click on photo to see smiling ducks up close
they look so happy, don't they? perhaps it's because they live in southampton, my favorite town out of all of the hamptons. you can always count on seeing at least a duck or two hanging out by the side of pond lane enjoying the breeze off the lake. this post is part of the abc wednesday meme thanks to mrs. nesbitt and today's letter is the letter S. please go here for more S representations.


they don't have any misunderstanding each other any more? the novel of "The Ugly Duckling”.

very good!
Copenhagen said…
I especially love the white one:)
BLOGitse said…
original Ss! :)
Anonymous said…
I love your ducks photo. They do look content and very handsome. ;-)

Janie said…
They do look happy and seemed quite satisfied with their surroundings. Good S!
Nice plump guys, must be tasty things to eat in the pond. I invite you to fly on over to see my Swallowtail. - Margy
Tumblewords: said…
I like them much better when they aren't feathering my swimming pool. :) Great shot!
kRiZcPEc said…
they are all so lovely!
jay said…
Everyone loves ducks, don't they? Unless they're in the swimming pool of course - a friend of mine also has trouble with a pair who keep returning and making the water filthy with their droppings. I'm not sure I'd have the heart to shoo them away though.

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week. :)
Daryl said…
Reminds me of the Ugly Duckling fable ...
Kathleen said…
Hi Lily Hydrangea, :)
I came across your blog via Daryl's as she posted a comment on mine.
I am in Southampton year round...
I'll stop in to see your pics of LI daily.

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