why did the geese cross the road?

at a very busy intersection, this family of geese cross this road safely. I actually drove by them as they stood on the curb strip when my son spotted the mother about to step onto the road. I quickly handed ian the camera and he took this photo from the backseat. he had just one chance. so thanks ian for a great shot! and thanks geese, for looking both ways before you put your lives on the line.
it was heartening to see the traffic take notice and slow down so the geese could cross. not an easy thing for a steady stream of speeding vehicles to do - especially at this intersection.
in other news, we are still in the midst of an incredible heat wave. supposedly it should get a little cooler friday and saturday. has it been hotter than normal where you live?


Unknown said…
Wow :-) I love thosen family cross! Yesterday was a little bit colder. Today we have very hot wheather again.
KaHolly said…
That is a sweet picture, but kind of sad, too. It would be sweltering here, too, but thankfully there has been a nice ocean breeze. ~karen
Serline said…
Guess this is not as controversial as chickens crossing the road ;-P
Lois said…
Nice shot! The same thing happens here and sometimes the geese are not so lucky.
Wolynski said…
Poor little geese - why is the mother putting them in danger? Maybe it's a one time thing - from the nest to the water.

Great photo.
Daryl said…
Fabulous capture, Ian.

And its hot hot hot here .. tho the rain ... amazing downpour a while ago... I am hoping its cooled it off.. the humidity is oppressive
Fred Miller said…
Such pictures always remind me of the time I was driving a semi down a narrow blacktop in Northern Kansas when a hen pheasant led about a dozen chicks right out onto the road about fifty yards in front of me. The trailer was empty, so I locked up the trailer brakes. The family scattered, but I don't think any were killed. I left four huge parallel black marks on the highway.
Maia T said…
What a lovely photo and what a proud goose mother!
They are so cute in the middle of the road.
Al said…
That's a fun shot. It has not been hot here, in fact I had to wear a sweater yesterday. There's even fresh snow on the local mountain from today's storm.
Alexa said…
Way to go, Ian—nice shot! Hope you're managing to stay cool, Lily.
Indrani said…
Cute pedestrians! Nice capture!
Pietro Brosio said…
Fantastic picture, Lily! You were there just at the right moment! :-)
Kitty said…
wonderful catch! I do worry about families like this. What it must be like to survive with such traffic around?

I'm so glad the heat broke yesterday. We had a huge downpour in Midtown that I was nearly stuck in.

Are you sure it's going to be cooler today? Hope so.
Such a cute shot -- kudos to your son! Glad they made it safely!
biebkriebels said…
The heat is on in the Netherlands too. I had 36 degrees Celcius in my backgarden today. To hot to sit there.
Irene said…
Yes,good point. This is so nice. A little nod to the country person in all of us, and the reassurance of life going on no matter how much traffic we create! Good job, Ian!

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