b is for birds

please click on this photo to see the geese more clearly
I don't ever remember seeing these geese anywhere when I was growing up on long island. now it is common place to see them virtually everywhere there is some sort of open space, usually school fields or open park land. the buzz is, long island has succumbed to over development leaving very little room for the geese. it's unfortunate the geese are being crowded out. have you ever seen them fly in formation? lately everyday around 5:30 pm, I hear them flying over my house. they are fascinating to watch.
if you'd like to see more representations for the letter B, please go here. have a great wednesday everyone!
Yesterday I have seen a raven in the park, I've called him but he has flied away very quickly! :-)
And a love seeing and hearing them fly over.
Thank you from the ABC Wed. team for sharing.