a is for airport

if you click on this photo to enlarge it, you can see icicles hanging off of the planes wings!

so check it out, I happen to have republic airport in my very own backyard! if I wasn't participating in today's abc wednesday meme, I might not have ventured over to new highway where I was able to spy this nice looking plane parked not too far from the runway. you can also see the control tower in the background.
if you'd like to see other representations of the letter a, thanks to mrs. nesbitt, you may go here.


Anonymous said…
What a lovely photo with the light and the colors...pretty...
Pietro Brosio said…
Beautiful picture of the airport, Lily.
I imagine the plane ready to take off in that bright sky towards fantastic lands.
Ingrid said…
That's a very beautiful shot ! looks almost romantic and it's only an airport !
photowannabe said…
Love the icycles hanging from the wings. Too, too cold for me.
Reader Wil said…
I enlarged the photo and saw all the details very well! It's a great photo!
bobbie said…
So, you're starting the alphabet over again! Good for you!

What a great photo! Not only the icicles on the plane wing, but the light and color.
Amazing shot.
Can airplanes fly with icycles on their wings ?
Unknown said…
I like your picture a lot! I grew up with a little airport behind our house. It was so fun to watch planes take off and land!
tr3nta said…
just got back from vacation... happy 2009...
luvmyboys said…
Gorgeous photo! I love the orange in the sky.

When we go to Dave & Busters, we love to watch the planes sail over our head. (For those not in the area, D&B is right next to this airport).
Janie said…
The icicles on the wings are cool (literally!). Nice photo, and great idea for the letter A.
Sherrie said…
Great Photo!!! Like those icicles! Very pretty! Have a great day!!

Eki said…
I can almost feel the chill looking at this photo. Thanks for capturing this amazing shot for us.

Thanks also for visiting and commenting on my blog, Lily.
maryt/theteach said…
We go for brunch to the 56th Fighter Squadron - isn't that at Republic Airport or am I wrong? It's right off Rte 110... :)
Alida Thorpe said…
Really nice shot. I like the way the light shines through and the cold atmosphere!
magiceye said…
when enlarged the picture looks magnificent!
Jay said…
I love that photo - especially the enlarged version! My, that looks cold.
Mamapippa ... said…
I love the sun in this photo.
Have a nice day !
Tumblewords: said…
Unusual photo! Love this composition!

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