
this is how my son ian studies for his trimesters. this is also our kitchen table. so as you may have already guessed, we haven't eaten here much lately. it's ok though, it's for a good cause. 
it really is amazing how much work is required of high school students these days. it's not unusual for most kids to have at least two hours of homework a night. and, in order to do well on his exams, ian must be prepared to answer questions about everything he has learned since the beginning of this school year. plus, his test will account for 30% of his grade. I'd say this qualifies as work!
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looks like my desk at work last week...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Kitty said…
my goodness!

I hope he does well on his exams. Good luck to him!!!
Wolynski said…
Only 2 hours of homework? I did 4-5 hours - maybe I was slow.
Msb said…
Looks like a table operated by a genius.
Sylvia K said…
Good for him that he works as hard as he does, that's what makes the difference! I'd say that Ian is a son you can be very proud of -- even with a messy kitchen/study table! I'm holding good thoughts for great success on the exams! Enjoy the remainder of your week -- all of you!!

Thérèse said…
What counts is the result!
Daryl said…
I think he'll pass with flying colors WAVING!
Dianne said…
isn't it funny, the first thing I noticed was the red brick
your kitchen must be beautiful

I am sure your boy will do well :)
Cheryl said…
Oy! I hear ya. I was hoping someone would choose "work" just not expecting school work.

Happy holidays to you and yours.
Tumblewords: said…
Excellent work scene -
Anonymous said…
Oy Vey! I noticed the neat table cloth. PGma
Christine H. said…
Oh, look! I think I see a laptop under there.
Leslie: said…
You are so right that it is work - IF the student takes his schooling seriously. As a tutor, I have students who are exhausted by the Christmas holidays because of the workload! It will be well worth it in the long run, though!
Al said…
It does take a fair amount of work to do well in school these days. But to put things in perspective, I remember frequently putting in two or more hours of homework when I was in school in Holland. This would have been in the equivalent of 6th or 7th grade, and back in the 1970s! Then I moved to the U.S.A. and was astounded at how far behind the American school system was, and basically coasted through high school, still ending up in the top 10%. We need to wake up and realize how far behind the rest of the world we're falling. Anyway, good luck to your son! said…
thanks for all of your great comments everyone. when ian read my post he said, "mom, it's more like 3 or more hours of homework".
Oops, sorry ian!
I'm just glad he can do whatever he wants to do for the next 10 days - stuff like sleep & go outside & watch a movie after dinner instead of studying every single night. everyone needs a break at least ocassionally.
Johnny Nutcase said…
whoa! that is a LOT of work..yikes!
Sara Katt said…
I can relate to this. I never work, being a four-footed feline, but my Mommie's/Mummy's work table looks a lot like that!
Sara Cat
Sara Cat's ABC-Wd-rd7-W

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