bike trail in massapequa

remember the guard bird I showed you the other day? well, this building sits at the waters edge across the pond from where the bird was standing. two seconds after I snapped this, a woman rode by on her bike. at the end of this path you see pictured here, is a major road called sunrise highway, where I have actually seen the sun rise.


bobbie said…
I wonder how many miles I have traveled on Sunrise Hwy.

The graffiti makes me sad. It isn't even artistic.
BLOGitse said…
why don't they make good looking, artistic graffitis, if they want to be creative? argh!
Daryl said…
Tagging is the ugliest form of graffiti out there .. that aside, this is a sweet shot!
Flying Solo said…
Looks like a painting but the graffity just screws it up!
Pietro Brosio said…
Lily, it's a very fine picture of that quiet path in the countryside.
Ian France said…
Your photo made this abandoned, dirty, graffitied guard house look more beautiful than it probably did in better days. I think in the way you captured the photo though, the graffiti really gave it a little more life. Great shot.

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