sun ming in sky
please click on photo to get a better look at the sun ming signage
it's unfortunate that sun ming restaurant is no longer open. I did a google search and found it had an excellent reputation. it's depressing seeing establishments close down one after the other.
though it is still a pretty neat looking building. and somehow the sun makes everything seem a little brighter. if you'd like to see other skies from all around the world, please go here.
also, today is the last day to enter for a chance to win my giveaway, the book, Long Island Daily Photo, in celebration of my one year blogoversary, thanks to the generous sponsorship of blurb. if you like this site, I think you may enjoy the book. please click on the sidebar book icon to enter your name in the comments section. & thanks again for all of your well wishes.
Love, Lily
Happy Blogoversary! :-)
It's always a pity when good restaurants and shops close.
Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures
have a great weekend.
Do leave word how to get your book, in case it isn't easily found down here in south jersey.
Great photo, sorry to go off topic.
Happy blogiversary!