
did you notice the fancy X word for today's title? well, it has nothing to do with this picture. xenodocheionology means, love of hotels. so why should we care about this then? because today is wednesday and if you visit the abc wednesday meme, you will find all kinds of information about the letter X!
so, for today this is my contribution, an unusual X word with a photo of an unusual creature. I found this furry little ewok looking character stuck to my front door the other night. I think he is a moth but I'm not sure. if you double click on this photo you will be able to see all the tiny hairs he has all over his little body. he kind of reminds me of our dog priscilla. they both have the same hair color and dark round eyes. but seriously, have you ever seen a cuter bug?


Sylvia K said…
No, I have never seen a cuter bug, anywhere, ever! How amazing! And what a terrific shot! You are soooo good! Hope your week is going well, Lily! Enjoy!

Oakland Daily Photo said…
Lord, they grow bugs big on Long Island. I thought it was a bat. Seriously. Is that the moon in the background? If so, color me completely impressed.
photowannabe said…
Now that is quite a shot. I thought it was a bat too. Spooky with the moon behind it.
Bradley Hsi said…
Wow, what a difficult word, the picture is indeed bit spooky, but really a very nice shot.
Pat said…
He is kind of cute! I had a cute bug yesterday.

Today I have an odd 'x' word, too!
Shell Sherree said…
That cute little critter looks like it would have an "X" name!
Roger Owen Green said…
initially, i thoughtt it was a bat too, but this is cuter.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
dianasfaria.com said…
This moth ( I think that's what he is) is actually quite small. the light in the background is a light from a neighbors house. I got this shot by holding my camera up to the glass on the door and using the macro setting.
Kitty said…
remarkable. my macro setting is not nearly this good.
Daryl said…
Ewwww .. sorry but all flying creeping crawling things elicit an EWWWW
Pietro Brosio said…
Happy Thursday, Lily!
Tumblewords: said…
I thought it was a bat, not a cute bug. Xcellent shot! Love of hotels. Hmmm. I doubt I ever had that for a moment...
paul said…
What a beautifully cuddly moth! And the moon for a bonus, amazing.
Anonymous said…
Great shot! He's very cute as long as he stays outside. :-) PGma
Louis la Vache said…
«Louis» thought for a moment that you had captured an image of his former father-in-law...
Troy said…
That may very well be the most unusual X segue I have seen!

And truly an unusual bug! I bet he doesn't stay in hotels very much!

Excellent X Example!

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday Team, Thanks for participating this week. Hope you can join us again next week.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said…
I thought he was a bat!! Maybe he thought your house was a hotel to bring us back to your X word! Just fabulous! I love it!
Kitty said…
totally freaky. At first glance I thought it was a bat. Geez.
jay said…
I thought it was a bat at first glance, too! LOL! But it is most certainly a moth. I love them. I captured one in my house yesterday evening and went outside to release it. It stayed on my hand for quite a while, kindly giving me the chance to study it before it flew away.

Great X word, too!
Jilly said…
What an amazing shot! Had no idea at first it was a moth. Stunning and even more so when enlarged.
I thought this was a bat, Lily! Wow -- don't let him in your house or you will have no whool sweaters left ...lol!

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