happy halloween ?

skull warrior axe anyone? this kills me (pun intended). It's not even the end of august and the stores are stocking halloween items for purchase. it's as bad as seeing school supplies for sale the day after fourth of july. I must admit halloween is one of my favorite holidays. In the U. S. every october 31, everyone who would like too, mostly children, go trick or treating from house to house in costume. who wouldn't like to dress up as someone else and collect candy? how do you like to spend halloween?


Fashion Schlub said…
I was at Party City in the beginning of August and they were already selling Halloween CANDY!!!
dianasfaria.com said…
I know! It's an outrage!
Ian France said…
hehehe... nice post. halloween in august doesn't urk me because that's about the only thing Party City sells besides party supplies all year. However, when I see CVS with a huge BACK TO SCHOOL SALE sign hanging from the ceiling, that's when I get angry. There should be a law...
Anonymous said…
How interesting that Halloween stuff are already up. LOL!

Mom Knows Everything said…
We take our kids trick or treating in the neighborhood and after the kids go to bed we watch a scary movie.
Pietro Brosio said…
Very interesting picture! It's one of the kinds of pictures I love.
Louis la Vache said…
Indeed, it does look like Halloween!
dianasfaria.com said…
thanks Arnold, I agree about the whole back to school thing too!

Hey Paz!

Hi Tammy, sounds like a fun idea, I may do that this year as well.

Thanks Pietro & Louis, ; )

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