dunes in montauk

please click on both photos to enlarge for greater detail.

this was taken at the top of a dune right by a path we took to the beach. it seemed like one spot was made for people to be able to stand on and use as an overlook. I was so happy running up to the top to see the view. this is probably the first time I have been on a dune since I was a kid. most people on long island will tell you that dunes are off limits in order to help preserve our beaches. when I was a kid we always played on the dunes as if we were stranded in the desert. like having a swim in the ocean, playing in the dunes was a regular part of going to the beach. this of course was before we knew all that running around all over them upset the delicate balance of things.


Fashion Schlub said…
Lily, these shots are lovely - the colors of sand and sky...so soft and peaceful, almost romantic.
Anonymous said…
Very nice memory. I don't think I've ever been to the dunes before.

bobbie said…
Both beautiful pictures. The second is really special.

Your memories of playing on the dunes are precious. Memories that our children will never know.
dianasfaria.com said…
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the photos as much as I did. Thanks for the comments.

It's true Bobbie, I was telling my son the other day about playing on the dunes and he was all like, you mean you were allowed to play on the dunes?
Great pics! Montauk is one of our favorite places.
Pearl Maple said…
Wonderful photos of Montauk, it is special place of beauty. Thanks for your kind comments on my sky watch post.

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