playing in the pool

as I slogged through the oppressive humidity yesterday running errands, I kept thinking about the pool we got to play in during our recent stay out east. I kept thinking how nice it would be to have one in my backyard so that when I got home I could take a dip. I hope everyone is taking some time out for leisure activity this weekend. if you don't have a pool, maybe you can get to the beach. it is labor day weekend after all and I think it is safe to assume we could all use a break.


Fashion Schlub said…
certainly safe to assume we could all use a break....

when i was married, my husband's mother and stepfather had a beautiful in-ground pool. my baby daughter and I spent most every summer day there, it was wonderful. since the divorce, no pool :-(

the ex remarried a woman with a pool, so at least my daughter still has a pool in her life....
bobbie said…
Where I live, our break comes on Tuesday, when THEY all go home. said…
Islipian, pools are fun, right? we could use a local town pool around here, but the beach is so close I'd rather go there.
Funny Bobbie! I guess that means you have lots of company this weekend.
Anonymous said…
When I was younger, I used to live in the pool during the summer times. ;-) Happy labor day!

Kitty said…
These kids look like they're having such fun!
What is it about pool water that just looks irresistible?

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